

22 Questions to Ask Before You Write a Single Word

To write successful copy, you need to know as much as you can. It goes beyond reading background materials, reviewing old marketing pieces and doing some cursory research on the Web. You need to get inside peoples’ heads. Start with your clients. They know their...

10 Tips for Aspiring Freelance Copywriters

Every week I receive a couple of emails from people seeking advice on how to get into freelance copywriting. While there’s no simple answer, and no answer which applies to everyone, there are a few tips which I believe will help most people make the move into...

Benefits of Being an Affiliate Marketer

Affiliate marketing has become one of the most effective ways to advertise online. It is also one of the easiest ways for anyone with a website to make a profit online. Affiliate Marketing is an agreement between a merchant and a...

4 Aplikasi Podcast Android Terbaik

Ada banyak cara untuk menggunakan ponsel cerdas Anda sebagai alat yang produktif. Dan salah satu contoh terbaik adalah menggunakannya untuk mendengarkan podcast. Anda dapat belajar tentang berbagai hal - mulai dari hiburan hingga situasi dunia nyata.Dengan banyaknya...

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3 Bahaya Besar Situs Torrent

Ketika torrent telah mencapai arus utama budaya, orang memiliki akses ke banyak konten. Ada berjuta-jutan situs torrent termasuk situs torrent film, situs torrent musik, dan situs torrent game . Namun, apa yang Anda mungkin tidak tahu adalah bahwa torrent tidak seaman...

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